This is why we are able to have hope at funerals. This is why we are able to live unafraid to die. The resurrection of Christ means we can be saved redeemed.
This morning I awoke thinking of all the Christ-followers who have shown me what radical forgiveness looks like. Having experienced it first hand, has changed everything about who I am. The ways in which people have forgiven me, and continued to love me despite my failures astounds me. Radical forgiveness is only possible with love. And to radically forgive strangers is only possible with Christ in us.
With all the court cases on TV and in the paper in this country, and 80% or so of us being Christian, I wonder why we don't hear of more occurrences of radical forgiveness. It was this scandalous grace that resurrected us from the death that was our own sin. And yet when people harm us we scream for vengeance and retribution. This next year I am praying the church will show the world what grace and forgiveness are all about, by practicing what they preach.
First, I want to say where I found your blog listed so you know it draws traffic. I saw it on the BlogRush Widget.
Second, when I saw the title, I new I had to read it. Because my main reason for blogging was to get the message of God's love out.
Your title: "Forgive Me For Crucifying You" resinates with me. I think I have often wanted to say something like that. But, I never made it so personal as what you titled this item in your blog.
Did you hear about the woman who was a captive in Columbia. She gave part of her story last week. It was an absolute amazement to Anne Curry. Because the woman suffered so much. But she said, vengence and bitterness was not what she is about. Anne Curry asked her how she made it through all of the torture. She said, "My Faith in God".
Stop by either one of my blogs.
The one I intended blogging for, is called, "Love One Another" it is at http://deityquest.blogspot.com/
The other is called "Journaling For Growth". I blog here on any given day for the purpose of keeping the message of "Love One Another" alive.
Journaling for Growth is at
Take care if I do not hear from you. Maybe I will come across your blog again.
I love this quote:
"When we have new eyes, we can look into the eyes of those we don't even like and see the One we love. We can see God's image in everyone we encounter. As Henri Nouwen puts it, 'In the face of the oppressed I recognize my own face, and in the hands of the oppressor I recognize my own hands. Their flesh is my flesh, their blood is my blood, their pain is my pain, their smile is my smile.' We are made of the same dust. We cry the same tears. No one is beyond redemption. And we are free to imagine a revolution that sets both the oppressed and the oppressor free."
-Shane Claiborne, Irresistible Revolution
Hi Jeremy
Yeah, I like that quote too.
I was once in a prison. Looking around at the inmates, the uggliness on the outside is repulsive. Then I realized something that is necessary for every one of them. Family.
They need what we need. We can't live without feeling that we belong. We all just want to be home.
That is when it occured to me that the Bible must say something to answer to the idea of God wanting a Family. It does. I wrote about it in my "Love One Another" blog. Chapter one. Take a look at it and leave a comment.
Thanks for the reply.
Also, if you are interested in "Linking" our pages, we can do that. I will leave a link on all three of my pages for your link. Just post my two blogs on your page. Without having too many, they are good for drawing readers to your site.
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