This is why we are able to have hope at funerals. This is why we are able to live unafraid to die. The resurrection of Christ means we can be saved redeemed.
This morning I awoke thinking of all the Christ-followers who have shown me what radical forgiveness looks like. Having experienced it first hand, has changed everything about who I am. The ways in which people have forgiven me, and continued to love me despite my failures astounds me. Radical forgiveness is only possible with love. And to radically forgive strangers is only possible with Christ in us.
With all the court cases on TV and in the paper in this country, and 80% or so of us being Christian, I wonder why we don't hear of more occurrences of radical forgiveness. It was this scandalous grace that resurrected us from the death that was our own sin. And yet when people harm us we scream for vengeance and retribution. This next year I am praying the church will show the world what grace and forgiveness are all about, by practicing what they preach.